denyhosts (2.6-10) unstable; urgency=low
[ Marco Nenciarini ]
* [526c9cb] Switch vcs fields to git
* [ae3d952] Add debian/gbp.conf to make easy the usage of git-buildpackage
and gbp-pq
* [59c1cc1] Convert all patches to gbp-pq compatible format
* [7d0f0dd] Remove the dh_make standatd template from the watch file
[ Kyle Willmon ]
* [62965a5] Fixed 06_permit_rootlogin_no to match hostnames (Closes: #462926)
* [6d355a6] Fixed section for installed FAQ
* [d392fc9] Updated description removes lintian warning
* [5fd3570] Revert patch which did not actually fix #508504 (Closes: #546772)
* [b23dade] Bump standards version
* [88a069e] Remove Conflicts and Replaces from old transition
* [caa300f] Convert from cdbs with python-central to debhelper with
dh_python2 and bump compat
* [32c638a] Remove upgrade workaround for bug in < 2.5-3
* [b94d5d6] Add support for /run
* [a4d9eaa] Fix whitespace issue in 04_migrate_warning.patch
* [ae61317] Correct Vcs-* fields after Alioth transition
-- Marco Nenciarini <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Aug 2011 10:20:29 +0200