dnsmasq (2.46-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream. (closes: #499162) (closes: #499007)
* Remove from init script start-stop-daemon call to kill
child processes. This is not needed since dnsmasq is
carefully written to kill child processes, and it interacts
badly with "private" instances of dnsmasq. (closes: #505523)
* Provide /etc/dnsmasq.d and alter the installed /etc/default/dnsmasq
so that /etc/dnsmasq.d is read. This provides a drop-directory where
libvirt can add options to make the system dnsmasq automatically
play nice with libvirt's private instances. (closes: #505522)
-- Simon Kelley <email address hidden> Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:15:31 +0000