dokuwiki (0.0.20091225c-5) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/preinst: remove useless ucf association with
* debian/postinst:
+ make /etc/dokuwiki/local.php readable by the web server.
(Closes: #588699)
+ transition to plugins and templates under /var/lib/dokuwiki/lib,
see below.
+ remove auto_prepend_file from Apache configuration: it only works
with mod_php and is now useless, see below.
+ generate wiki configuration file /etc/dokuwiki/local.php candidate
event if there is already one: ucf is here to allow the user to manage
the conflict.
* debian/postrm: do not call lighty-disable-mod if lighttpd is not
installed. (Closes: #588700)
* debian/copyright: integrated the BSD license, as it will be removed from
* debian/control: updated Standards-Version to 3.9.0, taking into account
the BSD license removal from common-licenses.
* debian/patches/fhs.diff: modified lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php to define
DOKU_INC to its location under Debian. (Closes: #588405) (LP: #589469)
* Added an ucf historical md5sum file for
* conf/license.php: backported an upstream commit to fix the CC-BY-ND
license URL (btw, this license is inappropriate for a wiki, and will be
removed in the next upstream version). (Closes: #531353)
* Added a lintian override for a template detected as unused because
lintian does not understand Perl config scripts.
* Moved templates and plugins to /var/lib/dokuwiki/lib, to reproduce the
original hierarchy of DokuWiki, so that plugins with standalone scripts
can find it where they expect it. Cf.
-- Tanguy Ortolo <email address hidden> Sun, 11 Jul 2010 23:13:10 +0200