dokuwiki (0.0.20110525-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version. (Closes: #603390) * Upload to unstable now that the multi-site and single-site modes have been tested. * Install examples with dh_installexamples and manpages with dh_installman. * debian/patches: + workaround_simplepie.diff: removed as no longer needed. + debianize.diff: refreshed for new config file hash. + license_tarlib.diff: removed as no longer needed. + soften_email_validator.diff: refresh (now a single variable allows one to allow domain name parts with no dot). * debian/README.Debian: document the way to disable plugins for a specific site (not enabled by default because it implied replacing the normal plugin controller). (Closes: #628221) -- Tanguy Ortolo <email address hidden> Fri, 10 Jun 2011 22:45:03 +0200