dq (20181021-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* d/control - bump to standards version 4.2.1
* d/compat - switched to debhelper 11
* d/upstream/signing-key.asc - added
* d/watch - added gpg signature checking
* d/copyright fixed url http->https
* d/tests/dqcachetest - added simple autopkgtest
* d/control - Vcs-* moved to
* Convert git repository from git-dpm to gbp layout
* d/upstream/metadata - added
* dqcache pkg. - runs under systemd,
dqcache-run pkg. - removed and added to
d/control - dqcache breaks and replaces dqcache-run << 20181021-1
* d/control - removed build dependency on libnacl-dev
* New upstream version 20181021:
- fixed IPSEND6/IPSEND4 env. parsing
- randomized cached A and AAAA response
- removed little-endian detection/optimization and added full
processor independent implementation of poly1305,salsa20
to fix segmentation faults on armhf architecture
-- Jan Mojžíš <email address hidden> Wed, 24 Oct 2018 15:10:22 +0200