epiphany-browser (2.29.91-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Recommend evince for print preview. Closes: #569968.
[ Sebastian Dröge ]
* New upstream development release:
+ debian/
- Update libsoup and WebKit build dependencies.
+ debian/patches/13_enable_page_cache.patch:
- Dropped, merged upstream.
+ debian/patches/13_gtk-2.18.patch:
- Revert upstream commit to use accessor macros again
instead of new functions to allow compilation with GTK 2.18.
+ debian/patches/99_autoreconf.patch:
- Regenerated for the new version.
* debian/rules,
+ Pass location of the CA certificates file to configure.
+ Recommend and build-depend on ca-certificates.
-- Sebastian Dröge <email address hidden> Sat, 27 Feb 2010 13:20:40 +0100