exactimage (0.8.9-1) unstable; urgency=high
* New Upstream Version
* Fix CVE-2013-1438: multiple denial of service vulnerabilities
(Closes: #721236)
* debian/rules:
- Enable section garbage collection to reduce size caused by partial linked
static library
- Provide override_dh_auto_clean/test to avoid problems with stricter
debhelper clean/test behavior since 9.20130720
* debian/patches:
- Add gcc_48_dcraw_infinite_loop.patch, Avoid infinite loops generated by
GCC 4.8 caused by undefined behaviour
- Remove upstream merged tga_memcpy_signature.patch and spelling_error.patch
- Add CVE-2013-1438, Fix CVE-2013-1438
-- Sven Eckelmann <email address hidden> Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:17:32 +0200