ffmpeg (7:2.4-1) experimental; urgency=medium
* Import new major upstream release 2.4. (Closes: #729203)
- Fixes CVE-2014-5271: proresenc_ks: fix buffer overflow
- Fixes CVE-2014-5272: iff: fix out of array access
- The non-free image tests/lena.pnm is not shipped anymore.
* Switch Vcs-Browser to the cgit interface.
* In the development packages add symbolic links from the standard lib*.so
library names to the suffixed ones.
This makes it possible to use the normal linker flags, e.g. '-lavcodec',
to link against the FFmpeg libraries with '-ffmpeg' suffix.
* Add missing copyright holders/years to debian/copyright.
* Fix wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright lintian warnings.
* Add qt-faststart to the Recommends: of the ffmpeg binary package.
* Configure with --enable-libshine, since libshine >= 3.0.0 is now available
in Debian.
* Drop pkg-config_file_without_build_suffix.patch and instead create symlinks
from the lib*.pc files to the suffixed lib*-ffmpeg.pc files.
* Install similar symlinks for the static libraries.
* Don't hardcode default.css as CSS filename in debian/ffmpeg-doc.install.
* Drop patches included upstream:
- makeinfo.patch
- Fix-spelling.patch
* Update Change-symbol-versioning.patch.
* Adapt the packaging to the changed library soversions.
* Generalize ffmpeg.lintian-overrides with wildcards.
* Add debian/missing-sources with the sources of the minified CSS files in
the upstream tarball.
* Create the minified CSS files during package build instead of using the
ones shipped in the tarball.
For this add cleancss and node-less to Build-Depends-Indep.
* Update debian/copyright.
-- Andreas Cadhalpun <email address hidden> Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:53:23 +0200