fontforge (1:20220308~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Boyuan Yang ]
* debian/control: Drop Rogério Brito from uploaders list. (Closes: #994659)
[ Anthony Fok ]
* New upstream version 20220308~dfsg
* Add 20120731.b-{6,7,7.1,7.2} changelog entries
from Nov 2015 to Apr 2016 that were missing partly due to the failed
(forgotten? ignored?) switch from master to debian/sid branch
* Add Jonas Smedegaard’s copyright file contributions (which I overlooked)
to the 1:20201107~dfsg-2 changelog entry
* Refresh Debian patches:
- 0001-add-extra-cmake-install-rules.patch: Upstream now installs
cidmaps by default (Thanks to Fredrick Brennan for the fix!)
- 0004-hurd-PATH_MAX-and-MAXPATHLEN.patch: Finally forwarded upstream
- 0005-hurd-rename-extended-to-avoid-conflict-with-gnumach-dev.patch:
Resolve conflicts and rename more "extended" to "extendeddbl"
* Replace 0005-hurd-rename-extended-to-avoid-conflict-with-gnumach-dev.patch
with a much simpler 0005-hurd-undef-extended-temporarily.patch
that "#undef extended" temporarily to circumvent the name collision
issue on Hurd. See
* Update fontforge-common.install and fontforge-extras.install
- Stop installing app icon in legacy /usr/share/pixmaps location
(see upstream commit 6b4ab5a)
- cidmaps have been moved from /usr/share/fontforge/ to
/usr/share/fontforge/cidmap/ (see commit f97a2cd)
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.1 (no change)
-- Anthony Fok <email address hidden> Thu, 16 Jun 2022 04:08:43 -0600