foo2zjs (20090301dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version (Closes: #466758)
* DFSG repack
- remove binary file c5200mono.prn
- remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear
* debian/*.1:
- remove, use upstream instead.
* debian/control:
+ Recommends: tk8.4 and tik for hplj10xx_gui.tcl, thanks to lintian.
* debian/hannah-package/hanna.desktop:
- remove now useless Encoding key, thanks to lintian.
* debian/manpages:
+ install foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 only.
* debian/patches/00list: update.
* debian/patches/10-makefile.dpatch: refresh.
* debian/patches/30-udevs-rules.dpatch: refresh.
* debian/patches/40-desktop-encoding-correction.dpatch:
- remove now useless Encoding key, thanks to lintian.
* debian/patches/40-path-correction.dpatch: refresh.
* debian/patches/50-fix-grotty-warnings:
- do not apply, it requires a too long refresh and a better
solution would be to fix the upstream manpage generation system.
* debian/patches/ refresh.
* debian/patches/
- remove, no more needed.
* debian/watch:
+ new dummy file, thanks to lintian.
-- Luca Capello <email address hidden> Tue, 03 Mar 2009 09:43:35 +0100