freeradius (2.1.7+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adopting the package, closes: #536623.
* New upstream version, closes: #513484.
+ Fixes the blooper in unlang evaluation logic, closes: #526175.
* Used quilt (and added README.source), and moved upstream file patching
into debian/patches/. The source is no longer in collab-maint git
(to make it simpler for me to finally get this out the door), but
kept the .gitignore should we need that again.
* Dropped the dialup_admin/bin/backup_radacct patch (integrated upstream).
* Dropped the raddb/Makefile patch (problem no longer exists upstream).
* Dropped the lib/packet.c lib/radius.c main/listen.c patches (was from
upstream 2.0.5 anyway).
* Dropped references to otp.conf, it no longer exists upstream.
Keep removing the conffile statoverride in prerm.
* Dropped references to snmp.conf, it no longer exists upstream.
Keep removing the conffile statoverride in prerm.
* Ship /etc/freeradius/modules/* in the freeradius package.
* Stop shipping sites-enabled symlinks in the package and instead create
them only on initial install, thanks to Matej Vela, closes: #533396.
* Add export PATH="${PATH:+$PATH:}/usr/sbin:/sbin" to the init script
at the request of John Morrissey, closes: #550143.
* Stop installing /var/run/freeradius in the package to silence Lintian.
The init script already recreates it at will.
* Remove executable bit from to silence Lintian.
-- Josip Rodin <email address hidden> Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:57:37 +0100