gksu (2.0.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
* Drop the nautilus-gksu package. It won't be ported to GNOME 3 and is
blocking the nautilus 3 transition. Closes: #637325
* Switch to dpkg source format 3.0 (quilt)
- Add debian/source/format.
- Remove include from debian/rules.
- Drop Build-Depends on sng and replace debian/gksu-root-terminal.sng by
the final .png file. We no longer need to create it during build time.
- Add debian/source/include-binaries for debian/gksu-root-terminal.png.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8.
* Remove pre-lenny upgrade code, drop debian/gksu.postinst.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
* debian/patches/02_format_security.patch
- Fix possible format string vulnerabilities. Closes: #643389
* debian/copyright
- Refer to GPL-2 not the versionless GPL license file.
* Updated Russian translation by Sergey Alyoshin. Closes: #547448
* Updated Portuguese translation by Américo Monteiro. Closes: #567587
-- Michael Biebl <email address hidden> Mon, 10 Oct 2011 18:51:46 +0200