gnome-control-center (1:43.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload
* d/ Build-Depend on polkitd instead of transitional policykit-1
* d/ Recommend polkitd and Suggest pkexec instead of
recommending transitional policykit-1.
polkitd is needed for many privileged actions, such as setting up user
accounts, networking and the system clock. pkexec is currently only
needed when enabling or disabling remote logins (sshd).
* d/patches: Update translations from upstream
(ab, ca, cs, de, fur, he, hr, ka, kk, ne, nl, sk, sl, tr, zh_TW)
* d/patches: Add post-release bug fixes from upstream.
This effectively updates the package to commit 43.0-32-g3182b7019.
* Standards-Version: 4.6.1 (no changes required)
-- Simon McVittie <email address hidden> Fri, 14 Oct 2022 10:05:39 +0100