gnome-icon-theme (2.24.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Add missing build-dependency on librsvg2-bin.
* start-here.svg: fix the colors so that they match the original
Debian swirl, and integrate better.
* Rebuild against a recent icon-naming-utils. Closes: #514995.
* Rename start-here.svg to swirl-foot.svg, also provide a
debian-swirl.svg icon.
* Use alternatives to select the default icon, the highest priority
goes to debian-swirl according to the poll. Closes: #516566.
* Handle icon caches by hand; pass --no-act to dh_icons.
Closes: #484684.
* Register a trigger so that the cache is regerenerated when
* Depend on libgtk2.0-bin to have gtk-update-icon-cache.
-- Josselin Mouette <email address hidden> Wed, 25 Mar 2009 15:02:01 +0100