gnome-terminal (3.18.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Fabian Greffrath ]
* Add Conflicts and Replaces against the nautilus-open-terminal
package (Closes: #766919). The gnome-terminal package provides
the exact same functionality and removal of the former package
has been requested (see #789900).
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Remove Debian menu entry.
[ Pedro Beja ]
* Remove obsolete flags --disable-factory, --title and --usage from manpage.
[ Andreas Henriksson ]
* New upstream release.
* Update build-dependencies according to changes:
- bump libglib2.0-dev to >= 2.42.0
- bump libvte-2.91-dev to >= 0.42.0
- bump valac to >= 0.26
* Have quilt refresh patches to make them apply cleanly.
-- Andreas Henriksson <email address hidden> Tue, 22 Sep 2015 17:52:00 +0200