gpsd (2.92-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version. The following bugs were fixed by upstream
since the last upload:
- Wrong test in /lib/udev/gpsd.hotplug.wrapper prevents proper device
removal. Thanks to Luca Niccoli (Closes: #561574)
- ATTR doesn't match in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-gpsd.rules.
Thanks to Philipp Matthias Hahn (Closes: #567827)
Below follows a detailed list of changes in the Debian packaging:
* [85173097] Use upstream's gpsd.hotplug.wrapper.
* [d83cdf70] Updating debconf translation: ca.po (Closes: #562717) -
thanks to Jordà Polo
* [c06f0bcb] Updating debconf translation: fr.po (Closes: #564877) -
thanks to Christian Perrier
* [c4ca2af7] Updating debconf translation: vi.po (Closes: #569656) -
thanks to Clytie Siddall
* [b901c8ac] Updating po files according to the fixed template.
* [238680d1] Drop xgps related patches as it is written in Python now.
* [08ce719f] Don't install anymore.
* [baec0c9d] Imported Upstream version 2.91
* [3c5c96a1] Work around autotools trying to handle Python stuff.
* [8a19e205] Update gpsd-dbg.install to list the new Python dbg
* [58a72a9b] is in the gps module now, update debian/rules
* [0293e4f3] Updating symbols file for libgps19.
* [441f05fb] Don't install gpsd-client binaries in two packages.
* [0a6eb429] Require python-gps from gpsd-clients for xgps.
* [cf61c2ab] Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4. No changes needed.
* [25a5d53a] Add ${python:Depends} for gpsd-clients.
* [47c910f1] Add postinst script for gpsd-clients. We need to remove
the xgps config file as it is not shipped anymore.
* [0cda84e5] Cleaning upstream sources from svn leftovers.
* [91e1f08d] Imported Upstream version 2.92
* [38feb394] Clean .so and .pyc files from the gps folder in the clean
-- Bernd Zeimetz <email address hidden> Wed, 03 Mar 2010 21:19:37 +0100