hdparm (9.39-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version (closes: #602522, #631614, #639660)
* Added myself to uploaders
* Added Homepage field (closes: #533190, #545005)
* Changed linking stage to not strip binary, otherwise the debug package
would be empty
* Renamed XC-Package-Type to Package-Type
* No longer install idectl, that relies on options that were removed, and
ultrabayd, that relies on idectl (closes: #511283)
* Install UDEV rule to /lib/udev/rules.d (closes: #563762, #622568)
* Bumped build dependency on debhelper for correct udev handling.
* Install into its own subdirectory together with its README.txt
* Recommend powermgmt-base
* Thanks to Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>:
+ Added description to init file
+ Updated watch file to fetch from sourceforge
+ Clean up old rules from /etc/udev in postinst
* Taken from Ubuntu:
+ pm-utils script 95-hdparm-apm:
- run hdparm on wakeup (closes: #468307)
- full integration with pm-utils (closes: #510676)
- adjust hard drive APM settings (closes: #664041)
+ /lib/hdparm/hdparm-functions:
- prepare to replace our init script eventually
- special handling for Firewire/USB (closes: #654873)
+ hdparm.init:
- only use the 'apm' setting when we're not on battery; when we are on
battery, apply the separate 'apm_battery' setting.
- Don't call hdparm -f for every drive; no clear rationale was ever given
for doing this, and doing so slows down hard drive access at boot time.
- also don't call sync... (closes: #546813)
* hdparm.conf.5
* hdparm.conf: added apm_battery, removed command_line example
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.3, no changes needed
-- Michael Meskes <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Mar 2012 12:10:19 +0200