iceweasel (3.5.16-2) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/extra-stuff/, debian/extra-stuff/debUpdateNotifier.*, debian/extra-stuff/filemonitor/, debian/extra-stuff/packages-static.xulrunner, debian/ Remove update notifier, it's not quite as helpful as it should be for squeeze. * debian/control: Refresh from debian/ * debian/control.*: Relax libglib2.0-dev build dependency. 2.18.0 was only needed for filemonitor, which we just removed. * debian/*.mozconfig: Add a comment on top of mozconfig files to avoid people using them. * debian/remove.nonfree, debian/, debian/source.filter, debian/watch: Update debian/watch and provide a script repacking upstream source tarballs. * testing/xpcshell/head.js: Add a 2 minutes timeout on xpcshell tests. This will avoid recurring build failures on kfreebsd-* due to buildd weirdness. -- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Fri, 24 Dec 2010 15:26:40 +0100