iceweasel (3.6.9-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Fixes for mfsa2010-{49-51,53-57,59-63}, also known as
CVE-2010-3169, CVE-2010-2765, CVE-2010-2767, CVE-2010-3166,
CVE-2010-2760, CVE-2010-3168, CVE-2010-3167, CVE-2010-2766,
CVE-2010-2762, CVE-2010-2763, CVE-2010-2768, CVE-2010-2769,
* debian/README.Debian: Move to debian/iceweasel.README.Debian.
* debian/branding/content/*.png.uu (removed),
debian/branding/content/*-base.png, debian/source/include-binaries,
debian/branding/content/ Replace .uu files with their binary
counterpart, now that dpkg-dev supports binary files in the debian/
* debian/control*:
- Remove build dependency on sharutils.
- Install libmozjs debug symbols together with the xulrunner ones.
- Remove extra ~ in iceweasel version dependency on xulrunner, which
was only required for 3.6.4~build2.
* debian/rules:
- Refactor file preprocessing.
- Actually allow the build sequence to start from intermediate stamps.
- Don't fail to build if the build-xulrunner directory exists.
- Move .PHONY definitions for test targets to debian/
- Add some sanity checks on version numbers.
- Use the new DEBIAN_RELEASE variable for dh_gencontrol.
- Enhance the check-system-libs rule to check in the all
- Further split build and install process in several stamped steps.
- Actually set CXX in default case, and re-export it.
- Move stamps creation at the end, so that "touch" always happens at
the end.
- Separate dh_xulrunner check from dh_install rule for better debugging.
* debian/
- Move tests HOME directory into build-xulrunner/dist instead of now
nonexistent dist.
- Don't automatically modify TESTS when TEST_PATH is set.
- Force armel JIT to compile ARMv4T instructions during tests.
- Define generic -skip rules for tests.
- Put all tests requiring an application in a separate variable.
- Use iceweasel for reftest/crashtest.
* debian/reftest-app: Remove our custom reftest-app.
* debian/extra-stuff/ Remove duplicated variables definitions.
* debian/branding/content/ Add missing aboutFooter.png to branding.
* debian/rules, debian/ Move testsuite related header field
removal to
* debian/rules, debian/branding/, debian/branding/ Check
the iceweasel branding installs all files provided by upstream unofficial
* debian/dh/
- Fix small formatting issue in dh_xulrunner manual page.
- Remove debug output in dh_xulrunner.
* debian/rules, debian/dh/dh_xulrunner_test, debian/dh/
Better check for the dh_xulrunner behaviour.
* debian/rules, debian/dh/npapi_getinfo.c, debian/dh/,
debian/ New dh_xulrunner feature: return
plugins handled mime types in a substvar.
* debian/ Install a symlink to nspr-config for the
* debian/branding/firefox-branding.js: Unset startup.homepage_override_url
and startup.homepage_welcome_url. In other words, don't display anything
special after an upgrade or for the first time the browser is started.
* debian/,
debian/ Add a /usr/bin/xulrunner-stub
binary in the form of an alternative, and a corresponding manual page.
* debian/smjs.1, debian/control*: Add a note that smjs is not recommended
for production use.
* gfx/qcms/iccread.c: Fix unaligned reads in qcms. bz#504766.
Closes: #591512.
* browser/components/privatebrowsing/src/nsPrivateBrowsingService.js: Align
-private description in --help output.
* js/src/nanojit/NativeARM.*, js/src/nanojit/avmplus.*,
js/src/nanojit/njcpudetect.h: Fix ARMv4T JIT support, and use patches as
landed in upstream nanojit.
* profile/dirserviceprovider/src/nsProfileLock.*,
toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp: Support platforms without SA_SIGINFO.
bz#593767. Closes: #595535. Thanks Samuel Thibault.
* xulrunner/installer/* pkg-config files don't need to require the
version of nspr xulrunner was built against. Closes: #595842.
* testing/xpcshell/head.js, debian/ Revert previous temporary hacks
to track down kfreebsd buildd issues.
-- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Wed, 08 Sep 2010 09:05:03 +0200