id3tool (1.2a-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* New maintainer. Closes: #741277
* Specify the 3.0 (quilt) source format.
* Update the use of debhelper:
- add misc:Depends to the binary package
- bump the debhelper compatibility level to 9
- let dh_clean take care of *-stamp
- switch to debhelper override rules; this also no longer creates
the .deps directory, so no need to remove it
- minimize the rules file by using debian/docs and debian/manpages
* Use all the build hardening flags provided by debhelper 9 and
* Use dh-autoreconf to update the autoconf framework and also clean
up all the autogenerated files.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5:
- build in parallel, not that it matters for this package
- move the homepage from the description to a source control field
Closes: #615422
- add the Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser source control fields
* Update the copyright file:
- convert it to the 1.0 copyright format
- update the upstream copyright years
- note that is actually under GPL-2+, not BSD-3
- add the Debian packaging copyright years
* Add the 01-typo patch to fix the "Psychedelic" genre name.
* Build with large file support.
* Build with more compiler warnings and add the 02-warnings patch.
-- Peter Pentchev <email address hidden> Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:25:56 +0200