id3tool (1.2a-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8 with no changes.
* Switch the Vcs-Git URL to the HTTPS scheme.
* Rename the "BSD-3" license to "BSD-3-clause" in the copyright file
and bump the year on my debian/* copyright notice.
* Update the watch file to version 4 and explicitly specify pgpmode=none.
* Move the Large File Support to the 04-lfs patch.
* Add an upstream metadata file.
* Move the -Werror addition to the 05-werror patch.
* Remove the debian/manpages file, upstream installs the manpage.
* Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 10:
- autoreconf and parallel are on by default now
- override the Lintian debhelper version warning as it itself suggests
-- Peter Pentchev <email address hidden> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 14:46:51 +0300