ifupdown (0.8.7) unstable; urgency=medium
* Impose a 5 minute timeout for starting network services.
Closes: #318577, #810656
* Give an error when trying to up a dhcp interface when no DHCP client is
installed. Closes: #471926, #419139
* Add a section in the manual about extensions provided by other packages.
Closes: #482405, #597274
* Use absolute paths to binaries called by ifup/ifdown. Closes: #365114
* Return an error when trying to ifup/ifdown/ifquery an unknown interface
(unless it is ignored due to --allow or --exclude).
* Ignore SIGPIPE. Closes: #311054
* Update the bridge example. Closes: #488315
* Use the onlink option when adding a gateway route. Closes: #378506
* Also allow the metric option for tunnels and IPv6 interfaces.
-- Guus Sliepen <email address hidden> Mon, 11 Jan 2016 22:58:44 +0100