inkscape (0.91-8) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/control:
+ Use my email address.
+ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
+ Use HTTPS in Vcs-Git.
+ Demote pstoedit to Suggests.
+ Document suggested packages. Closes: #771807
* debian/watch: rewrite, using format=4 and pgpmode=next/prev to allow gpg
verification of the tarball.
Thanks to Osamu Aoki <email address hidden> for the help and for implementing
all this new stuff in devscripts.
* debian/ remove, after CTTE's decision in #741573.
* debian/patches/fix-FTBFS.patch: backport patch from upstream to fix FTBFS
with a glibmm without Glib::ScopedPtr. Closes: #822392
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Tue, 26 Apr 2016 22:06:31 +0000