iwd (1.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Recommend dbus (system bus)
Interaction with iwd happens via dbus, i.e. as used by the iwctl
command (or NetworkManager iwd backend).
Packages using D-Bus usually doesn't describe this in their package
relationships and implicitly rely on everyone having a bus available.
People using iwd however seems to be confused about the lack of a
startup script and fails to realize that "dbus activation" is the
intended way to start iwd so hopefully making the dbus relationship more
explicit will give a hint and help people figure this out.
* Do not enable/start/restart service by default
* Extend package description with note about dbus activation
* Add d/p/0001-Switch-wheel-to-netdev-group-in-dbus-policy.patch
* New upstream release.
* Update debian/copyright
* Orphan package (see #969586)
-- Andreas Henriksson <email address hidden> Sat, 05 Sep 2020 16:05:08 +0200