joe (3.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
* (Includes the NMU patch for emptiness in execmd.)
* Fixed crash when file can't be written to (due to lack of disk space
or being over quota), patch by Benjamin Mesing, closes: #103820.
* Fixed CHARSET detection to use the fine system function rather than
internal workaround, noticed by Chris Brown, closes: #408562.
* Stop highlighting '$foo' in PHP, patch by Sam Penny, extended by me to
also remove var_insqstring because it's an orphan now, closes: #469840.
* Replaced the utterly broken de.po with Jan Engelhardt's version
from the upstream tracker item 1629477, closes: #455503.
-- Josip Rodin <email address hidden> Sat, 31 May 2008 19:00:58 +0200