joe (4.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version.
+ Fixes character class ranges with UTF-8 locales, thanks to
Matthew Gabeler-Lee, closes: #820255.
* Actually apply our patches by reinstating the quilt series file,
thanks to Adam Borowski, hopefully finally closes: #820992 etc.
* Drop obsolete note about backticks from README.Debian, as that default
key binding had long since changed to Esc+' instead of just `.
* Drop obsolete note about -asis vs locale from README.Debian, everyone
now simply expects the current behavior.
* Added debcontrol syntax highlighting, thanks to Thomas Goirand,
closes: #819578.
-- Josip Rodin <email address hidden> Sun, 06 Nov 2016 13:30:43 +0100