joe (4.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version, mainly bug fixes, including our:
+ Fixes segfaults on lines with many backslashes, closes: #847931.
+ Fixes classification of Unicode private characters, thanks to
Adam Borowski, closes: #822074.
+ Fixes syntax highlighting of PHP variables in strings, closes: #488118.
* Make sure gzip calls ignore timestamps in order for the build to be
reproducible, thanks to Chris Lamb, closes: #777726.
* Pass variables relevant to cross-compiles and use tripled-prefixed strip(1),
thanks to Helmut Grohne, closes: #844289.
* Updated standards version to 3.9.6.
+ Make the copyright file machine-parsable (format 1.0).
Update from current source, drop obsolete BSD part.
+ Document upstream source code repository in Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Hg
control fields.
+ NB: no provision for obsolete conffiles at this point.
* Stop manually installing redundant copies of some of the docs now that
upstream makefiles do it.
* Use dpkg-buildflags through dpkg-dev's makefile snippet (reported by
-- Josip Rodin <email address hidden> Wed, 25 Jan 2017 21:43:14 +0100