ksh (93u+20120801-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Adopted package (Closes: #691199)
* Created alioth git repository and added VCS fields
* Removed Conflicts clause versus pdksh as it is no longer relevant
* Marked RELEASE file as an upstream changelog rather than simply doc
* Added lintian override explaining the absence of a watch file
* Added patch to correct spelling errors
* Raised standards version to 3.9.6 - no change
* Raised compat level and debhelper version to 9
* Revamped debian/rules and added hardening and reproducibility
* Added binary format support for compiled scripts (Closes: #687343)
* Reviewed package description - added note about shcomp
* Registered with doc-base and added extra documents
* Moved example.kshrc to /etc/skel/.kshrc
* Reviewed cleanup-man-title.patch and enabled rksh
* Small correction to formatting of man page (Closes: #755486)
* Removed deprecated GREP_OPTIONS from example.kshrc
* Removed SHLVL increment from example.kshrc as it was doubling increment
* Rewrote setenv() in example.kshrc (Closes: #792733)
* Reviewed copyright file and added license-reconcile config
* Changed default fc editor to ex (Closes: #633524)
-- Nicholas Bamber <email address hidden> Mon, 02 Nov 2015 15:27:02 +0000