libisofs (1.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
+ New API calls iso_write_opts_set_part_type_guid(),
+ New API call iso_nowtime()
+ New flag bit2 of iso_node_set_acl_text() to be verbose about failures
+ Made libisofs ready for building out-of-source. Thanks Ross Burton.
+ Bug fix: Appended GPT partitions were not covered by the protective MBR
+ Bug fix: Multi-session emulation spoiled GPT production.
"GPT partitions ... overlap". Regression towards 1.4.8
+ Bug fix: Appending partitions 5 to 8 caused damaged ISO filesystems
if not for SUN disk label
+ Bug fix: SIGSEGV happened if options bit 14 of
iso_write_opts_set_system_area() is set and no El Torito boot image
is defined
* Patch taken from upstream development
+ Let libisofs demand libjte version >= 2.0.0 (libjte2 from jigit >= 1.22)
if desired as optional add-on. libjte2 is able to produce Jigdo with
SHA256 instead of MD5.
* Changed Build-Depends: "debhelper (>= 9)" to "debhelper-compat (= 12)" and
removed debian/compat by cme "fix" "dpkg".
* Changed Standards-Version to 4.4.1
No changes needed according to packaging-manuals/upgrading-checklist.txt
* Removed AUTHORS README NEWS from because already in -dev.
* control: remove dep on dh-autoreconf
-- Thomas Schmitt <email address hidden> Sun, 01 Dec 2019 18:41:01 +0100