libtool package in Debian

Package information

Alastair McKinstry
Medium Urgency
any all
Latest upload:

*actual publishing details may vary in this distribution, these are just the package defaults.

Upstream connections

The GNU Projectlibtoolmain

GNU Libtool hides the complexity of using shared libraries behind a consistent, portable interface. GNU Libtool ships with GNU libltdl, which hides the complexity of loading dynamic runtime libraries (modules) behind a consistent, portable interface.

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: no
Branch: yes

Packaging is up-to-date for libtool 2.4.7 .

Debian "unstable" (active development)
2.4.7-7 release (main)
Debian "bullseye" (current stable release)
2.4.6-15 release (main)
Debian "buster" (supported)
2.4.6-9 release (main)
Debian "stretch" (supported)
2.4.6-2 release (main)
Debian "jessie" (supported)
2.4.2-1.11 release (main)


To all bugs in libtool in Debian:

To all Debian bugs: