libxml2 (2.7.8.dfsg-9) unstable; urgency=low
* Multi-Arch ready. (Closes: #643026)
- M-A:same packages are libxml2, libxml2-dev and libxml2-dbg.
- M-A:foreign package is libxml2-utils, others are not M-A.
- Library files in udeb are still placed under usr/lib directly.
* New binary: libxml2-utils-dbg.
Move debuggings symbols of libxml2-utils binaries to another package
in favor of marking libxml2-dbg as M-A: same. Descriptions of related
binary packages are slightly modified.
* Enable hardening for Python modules. (Closes: #664107)
* Add support for build-arch and build target, essentially make the
package not FTBFS anymore. (Closes: #668672)
* Use dh compat 9. Not hardcoding libdir in debian/rules.
* Port to source format 3.0 to ease future maintenance of patches.
- Old patches are stored in 01_historical_changes.patch
- Do not patch directly, use dh_autoreconf with patches to and instead. This will not actually make
bootstraping a new architecture more difficult since we already have
gettext and autoconf in deep B-D, porters need to break it anyway.
- Store doc/examples/index.html in patch to avoid ciculate B-D with
xsltproc, we should not B-D on it.
* debian/*.dirs: removed, useless.
-- Aron Xu <email address hidden> Sun, 22 Apr 2012 00:16:37 +0800