libxmlada (4.6.2016-1) experimental; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
ALI version of unicode increases, forcing all ALI versions to do so.
Rename -dev and Break/Replace: previous versions per Ada policy.
Only sax and schema SO binary interfaces may have changed.
Since "input_sources" needs to be renamed, use upstream name "input".
* Upstream drops xmlada-config, remove the related packaging stuff.
* Apply generate-unicode-names.diff from upstream VCS.
Exclude generated sources from repackaged orig tarball.
Update it for unicode version 9 as packaged in Debian.
* Allow a SO version per library and non existing lib/obj directories.
* Ensure deterministic timestamps in patched or generated ALI files.
* README.source: upstream VCS is now on GitHub.
* Switch watch file to version 4.
* Reorder build flags to simplify maintenance of PIE flags.
* Generate internal dependencies instead of copying them manually.
* tests/link-with-shared depends gprbuild for project support.
-- Nicolas Boulenguez <email address hidden> Thu, 11 Aug 2016 00:56:55 +0200