liferea (1.6.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release. Closes: #567529.
- Hides link cosmos for items that don't have a valid url, instead of
displaying it and crashing when clicked. Closes: #539857.
- Fixes proxy authentication. Closes: #561077.
- Remembers font size again. Closes: #560201.
* debian/patches/relibtoolize:
- Relibtoolize to fix an issue with the 1.6.2 tarball. This can be
removed in the next release.
* debian/patches/series:
- Apply libtool-dont-rearange-as-needed after the relibtoolize patch so
that it has any effect.
* debian/control:
- Update my email address.
- Standards-Version is 3.8.4, no changes needed.
- Conflict with gwget << 1.0.2. Closes: #533659.
-- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden> Wed, 03 Feb 2010 16:56:43 +0100