lintian (2.56.0) unstable; urgency=medium
* Summary of tag changes:
+ Added:
- nodejs-lock-file
[ Chris Lamb ]
* Check for NO_START and FOO_NO_START etc. in /etc/default scripts.
(Closes: #950238)
* Deprecate debhelper compat level 9. (Closes: #950453)
[ Felix Lechner ]
* Fix POD markup in man page; indent level caused literal display of
formatting codes. (Closes: #952529)
* Fix the selection of classification tags with -T command line switch.
(Closes: #952539)
* Use JSON::MaybeXS instead of plain JSON in the NodeJS checks.
* Remove and replace the open_gz, open and file_contents subroutines from
* Provide method for all ->descendants in File::Path and use it, retiring
breadth-first recursion.
[ Xavier Guimard ]
* Check if NodeJS modules install lock files.
-- Chris Lamb <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:30:19 +0000