mailgraph (1.14-16) unstable; urgency=medium
* Change to my new email address.
* Fix documentation error (Closes: #865914):
- Add debian/NEWS.Debian to
- Correct debian/README.Debian.
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.2.1 (No changes needed).
* Add missing mailgraph.service file.
* New README.source to explain the branching model used.
* Migrate to debhelper 11:
- Change debian/compat to 11.
- Bump minimum debhelper version in debian/control to >= 11.
* debian/changelog:
- Remove trailing whitespaces.
* debian/control:
- Change Vcs-* to point to the new repository.
- Use secure URI for homepage.
- Change priority from deprecated extra to optional.
- Add requested default-mta to recommends.
* debian/copyright:
- Use secure URI for copyright format and source.
- Change year to 2018 for packaging.
* debian/NEWS.debian:
- Use paragraphs instead bulleted lists.
* debian/mailgraph.preinst (Closes: #900507):
- Remove outdated script. It was used to update releases before 1.13-1.1.
Oldstable has 1.14-13.
* debian/watch:
- Use secure URI.
-- Jörg Frings-Fürst <email address hidden> Sun, 09 Sep 2018 12:15:23 +0200