mdk (1.2.7+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Remove the DM-Upload-Allowed field from the control file.
* Canonicalize the Vcs-* fields to
* Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 9 with no changes:
- get the hardening flags from debhelper, drop the hardening-includes
build dependency
* Drop the versions from the autotools-dev and dpkg-dev dependencies.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5:
- update the copyright file to copyright-format 1.0
* Remove the compression specifications from debian/source/options;
dpkg-dev's defaults are good enough now.
* Switch to dh-autoreconf:
- add dh-autoreconf as a build dependency
- pass --with autoreconf to dh(1)
- override the autopoint command to avoid conflicts with intltoolize
- retarget the 01-gtk-deprecated, 04-no-doc-build, and 05-editor patches
- remove part of the 03-cppcheck patch; I guess intltool is what needs
to be fixed now
* Run wrap-and-sort on the control file.
* Bump the year on my Debian packaging copyright notice.
* Add pgpsigurlmangle to the watchfile and export upstream's PGP key to
debian/upstream/signing-key.asc and override (for the present)
the Lintian error about the file's location.
* Use upstream's configure-based way of passing -Werror to the compiler
and actually disable the deprecated function errors.
* New upstream release:
- update to guile-2.0
- refresh the Debian patches (line numbers only)
- the TODO file was dropped; do not install it as documentation
- update the upstream copyright information
* Rework debian/emacsen-* to fit with emacsen-common 2.0.
(note to self: upload a new version with the emacsen-common dependency
bumped to 2.0.8 once it actually hits the archive)
* Recommend and use x-terminal-emulator with a fallback on xterm so that
gmixvm actually has something to go on. Closes: #656748
-- Peter Pentchev <email address hidden> Wed, 12 Feb 2014 17:36:52 +0200