musescore (1.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release: <> (LP: #819293)
+ MuseScore Connect <>
- debian/control: depend on libqtwebkit-dev
+ add sol notehead, alternative brevist notehead group
+ add new symbols for old notation
+ improvements to MuseJazz font
+ new "MuseJazz" style
+ new "Jazz Lead Sheet" template and style
+ improvements to chord placement via keyboard
+ "Acoustic Bass" added to instrument list
+ many bug fixes (LP: #720483)
* Fix startup notification (Closes: #625824).
+ add 21-fix-startup-notification.dpatch
* Fix FTBFS (Closes: #624989; LP: #770742)
+ add 22-fix-casting.dpatch
* Switch Mixer binding to F8 (LP: #783653)
* Update other patches.
-- Toby Smithe <email address hidden> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:31:48 +0100