nbd (1:2.9.13-2) unstable; urgency=low
* The "Black Finger DebConf" release.
* Add avr32 to nbd-client-udeb, too. Oops. Closes: #533694, hopefully
for good.
* nbd-client.README.Debian: add a bit more clarification on how
root-on-NBD is supposed to work.
* nbd-client.init.d: parse /proc/cmdline rather than /proc/mounts
(the same way as how nbd-client.initrd does it) to figure out what
the NBD root device is, so that root-on-LVM-on-nbd or something
equally batshit insane does not confuse the sendsigs.omit.d
generating code.
* nbd-client.init.d: add support for an OMITKILL variable that will
allow to specify extra nbd devices that should receive the same
protection as for the above.
* nbd-client.config: fetch KILLALL value from /etc/nbd-client (if it
exists) and use it to db_set nbd-client/killall
* nbd-client.postinst: fix so that KILLALL is correctly written to
/etc/nbd-client, even if the number of devices is zero.
* The above four were inspired by conversations with Vagrant
Cascadian, while he was working on LTSP support in Debian. Thanks!
* Updated Swedish translation. Thanks, Martin Bagge; Closes: #534246.
-- Wouter Verhelst <email address hidden> Fri, 17 Jul 2009 01:25:26 +0200