ncbi-entrez-direct (13.1.20200102+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
* .gitignore: Ignore new "saved" directory.
* debian/control: Suggest curl (for index-extras).
* debian/copyright: Add *.pdf (sourceless) to Files-Excluded.
* debian/examples: Remove Scripps BioThings support, now considered official
enough (mentioned in README, albeit as experimental).
* debian/install: Install bt-*.txt and hlp-*.txt (bt-context.txt and
hlp-xtract.txt at present) to a new /usr/lib/ncbi-entrez-direct directory.
* debian/man/{archive-pubmed,download-ncbi-data,edirect,efetch,elink,esample,
nquire,phrase-search,rchive,sort-uniq-count,transmute,xtract}.1: Update for
new release.
* debian/man/{bt-link,bt-load,bt-save,bt-srch,expand-current,fetch-extras,
t2x,xplore}.1: Document new commands.
* debian/man/efetch.1: Correct old paste-o in -chr_stop's description.
* debian/man/fetch-pubmed.1: Belatedly wordsmith description of -path.
* debian/man/index-extras.1: Rename from index-bioc.1 and update.
* debian/man/nquire.1: Belatedly drop accidental self-referential SEE ALSO.
* debian/man/xtract.1: Explicitly mark suboptions as such; belatedly resync
-indices' description.
* debian/rules:
- Account for new as-is scripts expand-current and fetch-extras; for newly
official Scripps BioThings scripts bt-link, bt-load, bt-save, bt-srch,
and xplore (some of which need tweaking to look for bt-context.txt in the
right place); for new Go executable t2x; and for rename of as-is script
index-bioc to index-extras (which moreover needs its interpreter
specification corrected to #!/bin/bash via a new generic mechanism).
- Move the xtract binary from /usr/bin to /usr/lib/ncbi-entrez-direct (so
it can find hlp-xtract.txt) and substitute a wrapper script.
- Broaden .../x/sys/unix to .../x/sys in GOLIBSRC(_). (Closes: #963439.)
- Temporarily move new go.mod, go.sum, and s2p.go files to a "saved"
directory to keep them from interfering with the build process. (They
don't necessarily deserve outright exclusion, even with repacking
already in use.)
* debian/watch: Change repack suffix to +dfsg due to the additional need
to exclude sourceless PDF documents.
-- Aaron M. Ucko <email address hidden> Sun, 21 Jun 2020 22:32:39 -0400