ncbi-entrez-direct (14.6.20210224+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/{examples,install,rules}: Relegate obsolescent short-lived
specialized content to examples: bt-*, fetch-extras, index-themes, and
xplore. All came along after buster (which had 10.9.20190219+ds-1)
and will be absent from future upstream releases, so there's no sense
in having them appear in /usr/bin in bullseye only to disappear fully
in the next stable Debian release.
* debian/man: Drop corresponding man pages and references thereto.
* debian/man/{eaddress,ecitmatch,econtact,edirect,edirutil,enotify,
Mark as deprecated (somewhat speculatively in the case of edirect),
with suggestions for alternatives in most cases. All of these
commands have been around for a while, so they can remain in /usr/bin
for bullseye.
-- Aaron M. Ucko <email address hidden> Sun, 07 Mar 2021 16:26:20 -0500