openjdk-10 (10.0.1+10-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* OpenJDK 10.0.1+10 addresses the following security issues:
- CVE-2018-2790,S8189969: Manifest better manifest entries.
- CVE-2018-2795,S8189977: Improve permission portability.
- CVE-2018-2796,S8189981: Improve queuing portability.
- CVE-2018-2797,S8189985: Improve tabular data portability.
- CVE-2018-2798,S8189989: Improve container portability.
- CVE-2018-2799,S8189993: Improve document portability.
- CVE-2018-2794,S8189997: Enhance keystore mechanisms.
- CVE-2018-2814,S8192025: Less referential references.
- CVE-2018-2815,S8192757: Improve stub classes implementation.
- CVE-2018-2800,S8193833: Better RMI connection support.
* Stop installing the policytool desktop file. LP: #1766843,
* Prefer to build with OpenJDK 10 instead of OpenJDK 9.
* Fix ftbfs on powerpcspe, adjusting the MIN_FLOAT constant (Adrian Glaubitz).
Closes: #897334.
* Remove classes.jsa files on package removal. Closes: #897411.
-- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Sat, 05 May 2018 20:40:24 +0200