openjdk-7 (7u131-2.6.9-1) experimental; urgency=high
[ Tiago Stürmer Daitx ]
* IcedTea release 2.6.9 (based on 7u131):
* Security fixes
- S8167110, CVE-2017-3514: Windows peering issue.
- S8163528, CVE-2017-3511: Better library loading.
- S8169011, CVE-2017-3526: Resizing XML parse trees.
- S8163520, CVE-2017-3509: Reuse cache entries.
- S8171533, CVE-2017-3544: Better email transfer.
- S8170222, CVE-2017-3533: Better transfers of files.
- S8171121, CVE-2017-3539: Enhancing jar checking.
- S8172299: Improve class processing.
* debian/compat: updated from 5 to 9.
* debian/watch: using watch version 4 to download both icedtea and
icedtea-sound. LP: #1642420.
* debian/repack: simplified tarball download.
* debian/rules:
- removed 8u121 patches as they have been applied to 7u131.
- building icedtea-sound on build/ directory
- replaced 'dh_strip -k' calls by dh_prep
- have the 'build' rule depend on 'debian/control' rule to force
failure if debian/control gets regenerated.
- added file 'security/blacklisted.cert' to be copied to etc dir
(introduced by S8011402).
- simplified build dependencies.
- removed jtreg's xvfb-run call since icedtea takes care of calling it.
- removed window manager as there are no additional significant failures
on the jdk tests when not running one.
- re-enabled jdk jtreg tests.
- removed lpia arch.
- use fonts-wqy-microhei and fonts-wqy-zenhei instead of transitional
package names.
- drop Recommends on obsolete GNOME libraries so they are not in a
default GNOME desktop installation (Simon McVittie). Closes: #850270.
+ prefers libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.24)
over obsolete libgconf2-4.
+ sun.nio.fs.GnomeFileTypeDetector prefers libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.24)
over libgnomevfs-2-0.
+ sun.xawt.awt_Desktop prefers libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.14) over
* debian/ added static build dependencies as their previous
selection logic in debian/rules is no longer required.
* debian/control: regenerated.
* debian/patches/icedtea-sound.diff: removed, now packing icedtea-sound
1.0.1 which includes those fixes.
* debian/upstream/signing-key.asc: add new signing key.
[ Matthias Klose ]
* Remove obsolete changelog entries from previous release.
-- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Tue, 16 May 2017 13:49:35 -0700