openrc (0.12.4+20131230-8) experimental; urgency=low
[ Benda Xu <email address hidden> ]
* control, rules: add librc1-dbg and libeinfo1-dbg.
* lsb2rcconf: handle required-stop,should-stop and X-Stop-After.
* add runlevel "off" to hold all the shutdown scripts. (Closes: #736384)
+ openrc.postinst: load scripts from rc6.d into "off" runlevel
+ rc: enter and leave off runlevel before shutdown/reboot
+ rules: savecache moved from runlevel shutdown to off
+ update-rc.d: redirect shutdown to off
* rules: clean librc.funcs.hidden.list, the test suite leftover.
* control: remove the perl dependency, is superseded by lsb2rcconf.
* include the dependency loop detection patch from Dmitry Yu Okunev
<email address hidden>, so that bug #736400 is circumvented.
[ Thomas Goirand ]
* Updated VCS fields to use the new "openrc" Alioth packaging group.
* Updated the Maintainer: field to use the Alioth list.
* Updates Hurd patch: thanks to Svante Signell <email address hidden> for
his work (Closes: #736636).
* Stores rc and rcS directly in /etc/init.d in the .deb of OpenRC, rather
than using dangerous and useless maintainer scripts (Closes: #736367).
* Fix the /etc/init.d/savecache shebang to use openrc-run instead of
-- Thomas Goirand <email address hidden> Mon, 27 Jan 2014 15:44:47 +0000