openssh (1:7.2p2-8) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Colin Watson ]
* Stop enabling ssh-session-cleanup.service by default; instead, ship it
as an example and add a section to README.Debian. libpam-systemd >= 230
and "UsePAM yes" should take care of the original problem for most
systemd users (thanks, Michael Biebl; closes: #832155).
[ Martin Pitt ]
* Add debian/agent-launch: Helper script for conditionally starting the SSH
agent in the user session. Use it in ssh-agent.user-session.upstart.
* Add systemd user unit for graphical sessions that use systemd. Override
the corresponding upstart job in that case (closes: #832445).
* debian/openssh-server.if-up: Don't block on a finished reload of
openssh.service, to avoid deadlocking with restarting networking.
(closes: #832557, LP: #1584393)
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Fri, 29 Jul 2016 02:51:32 +0100