openssh (1:8.7p1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Include unit test binaries in openssh-tests even if building with
* Install built version of sshd_config, with corrected PATH and PidFile.
* Upgrade to debhelper v13.
* debian/copyright: Use HTTPS in Source field.
* Update renamed Lintian tag name in Lintian override.
* debian/watch: Upgrade to version 4.
* Clarify instructions for using socket activation to avoid accidental
attempts to start the non-socket-activated service that can result in
systems without a running sshd (closes: #1001320).
* Remove maintainer script code for upgrades from before Debian 9.
* Make the sysvinit script provide "ssh" as well as "sshd".
* Set Rules-Requires-Root: no.
* Use dh_installalternatives.
* Simplify some debhelper overrides slightly.
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:12:00 +0000