pagekite (0.5.8a-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
* New upstream 0.5.8a.
* Add gbp.conf file to enforce the use of pristine-tar and
filter out the upstream debian/ directory when importing.
* Drop version number from generated whatis manual page entry to keep
lintian happy.
* Depend on newer python-socksipychain (>= 2.0.15), needed by
the new upstream.
* Build-depend on dh-python >= 2.20151103 to get a working
version. The version in Debian Jessie is not new enough.
[ Federico Ceratto ]
* Switch Vcs fields to HTTPS.
* Enable verbose build.
* Remove .egg-info.
* Add Build-Depends-Indep.
[ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
* Make build reproducible (Closes: #795659).
-- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden> Wed, 10 Feb 2016 21:35:52 +0000