php5 (5.3.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Cherry pick patches for (Closes: #603751):
+ NULL pointer dereference in ZipArchive::getArchiveComment
+ utf8_decode xml_utf8_decode vulnerability (CVE-2010-3870)
+ mb_strcut() returns garbage with the excessive length parameter
+ possible flaw in open_basedir (CVE-2010-3436)
+ segfault in SplFileObject::fscanf
+ memory leak in PDO::FETCH_INTO
+ crash when storing many SPLFixedArray in an array
+ possible crash in php_mssql_get_column_content_without_type()
+ cURL leaks handle and causes assertion error (CURLOPT_STDERR)
+ segfault when optional parameters are not passed in to mssql_connect
+ segfault when ssl stream option capture_peer_cert_chain used
+ crash in GC because of incorrect reference counting
+ crash when calling enchant_broker_get_dict_path before set_path
+ crash in pdo_firebird getAttribute()
-- Ondřej Surý <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Nov 2010 10:31:58 +0100