postfix (3.6.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[Scott Kitterman]
* Add postfix-mta-sts-resolver to suggests. Closes: #968516
* Include compatibility_level in addition to postifx version when
determining default value for chroot in Closes: #995129
* Fixup errors in postifx-add-* man pages. Closes: #995031
* Set compatibility level to 3.6 for fresh installs
* Update main/ on upgrade if not modified. Closes: #991513
* Decruft debconf template:
- Remove ancient (postfix 2.3) mydomain_warning
- Delete old (Postfix 2.10) relay_restrictions_warning
- Delete unused lmtp_retired_warning template
- Delete unused kernel_version_warning template
- Delete unused retry_upgrade_warning template
- Delete unused tlsmgr_upgrade_warning template
* Debconf template cleanup, thanks to Markus Hiereth for the suggestions.
Closes: #905653
[Miriam España Acebal]
* Removed LDFLAG -Bsymbolic-functions to fix issue where TLS is disabled
when private/tlmsgr socket is not found. lp: #1885403
[Christian Göttsche]
* Update debian/patches/07_sasl_config.diff:
- Fix conversion warnings by adding explicit cast
- Drop unused function xsasl_getpath
* Fix lintian detected typos in Debian packaging.
* Do not require postfix to be build by root.
* Set -e shell option explicitly.
* Bump watch file standard to version 4.
* Add misc:Pre-Depends to postfix.
* Remove trailing spaces in changelog.
* Add Documentation key to postfix service.
* Drop alternative dependency on obsolete libmysqlclient-dev.
* Add standard salsa ci configuration.
* Drop unused debconf template sqlite_warning.
[Paride Legovini]
* d/postfix.postinst: tolerate search domain with a leading dot.
Closes: #991950
[Sergio Durigan Junior]
* Support networkd-dispatcher. Closes: #999867 lp: #1718227
-- Scott Kitterman <email address hidden> Thu, 23 Dec 2021 00:18:30 -0500