powerline (2.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Install manapages into the powerline package only (Closes: #899135)
* Automatically update fontconfig cache using dpkg trigger (Closes: #899142)
* Update vim instructions in README.Debian (Closes: #899150)
* Add debconf support to enable powerline for all users (Closes: #899184)
* Set default shell theme to default_leftonly (Closes: #899153)
* Switch to use python3 by default (Closes: #899165)
* Include /etc/powerline as configuration directory (Closes: #899178)
* Apply patch from Andreas Schneider to fix build with GCC-7 (Closes: #900331)
* Rename python-powerline-doc to powerline-doc for consistency
* Apply various updates and fixes to control, watch and copyright files
* Update packaging to debhelper version 11
* Update packaging to standards version 4.1.4
[ Jerome Charaoui ]
* Fix privacy breaches in documentation
* Update NEWS file
-- Jerome Charaoui <email address hidden> Fri, 01 Jun 2018 15:32:49 -0400