pulseaudio (8.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add patch from upstream to switch back to HDMI when port is back.
(Closes: #816963)
* Bump standards-version (no changes needed)
* Use canonical Vcs-* urls
- Use cgit url for browser
- Use https url for git
* Drop XS-Testsuite header.
- Newer dpkg-dev adds the field automatically
- Add versioned Build-Depends for such a version (1.17.14)
* Fix Build-Profile stage1 support
- Mark libbluetooth-dev dependency as <!stage1>
- Mark pulseaudio-module-bluetooth as <!stage1>
- Build-depend on new enough debhelper (9.20141010)
- Use correct flag --disable-bluez5
- Drop manual ignoring of bluetooth packages, debhelper knows to do so
-- Felipe Sateler <email address hidden> Sat, 02 Apr 2016 20:42:36 -0300